What makes good video content

Because video is known to be the most powerful of all marketing tools, it is important for you to create engaging content to be successful! Video marketing is something you should be doing and not considering doing!

Some tips include:

Mobile optimise

More than 50% of videos are seen on mobile devices! This number is only going to increase. Therefore, it is imperative that you think vertical – how does the audience view video? Well on a vertical rectangle screen, therefore your video must be optimised for this. Think mobile first, ensure that this is a top priority when creating video content. In the end, your video needs to be suited to both Desktop and mobile environments but think Mobile first!


The spider in the web of any video, the heart and soul of what you are wanting to create. You can use your story to connect to people on an emotional level. If you can do this your level of engagement will automatically be a lot higher and you can start to build trust. Make sure you have a great story to tell! A great emotional video can help you to connect with your followers more easily allowing you to motivate, persuade and engage them.

Is your video great or repurposing?

Cut them done into smaller chunks to re-use on different channels. A great video with excellent content will allow you to post onto several different social media platforms time and time again. Promotional teasers or upcoming competitions etc, are great examples of repurposing.

Attention seeking

There are so many videos on the web at any one time. What’s going to make your video stand out? Use colour, motion and something visually engaging at the start as the first 30 seconds of your video will either connect you to your customer or disconnect you from them. Keep your videos short and sweet. Make sure that they are eye- catching and have heaps of information. Attentions spans are shorter with the amount of social media that people are absorbing.

Good lighting

As any professional production company can tell you, lighting is key! A professionally lit video vs. one that not can make or break what you are trying to achieve. Low quality footage is a sure-fire way of creating a poor representation of your company and what you are trying to achieve. Anyone can film, edit and upload onto their cell phones BUT a sub- standard produced video will stick out like a sore thumb! Videos need to be professional, captivating and attention grabbing.


A large amount of people watch videos without the sound on, Facebook starts a video without sound on and may people don’t switch it on! It doesn’t mean they are not watching though. 85% of Facebook videos are watched without sound. So, make sure that as well as having a visually captivating video to add subtitles so that your audience can be kept informed of your message. Don’t let your video be scrolled past because it doesn’t have subtitles.

Call to action must be included

Don’t just send your customer to your website, include a question that increase your engagement and improve the customer experience and in return create awareness of your brand.